be honest. We all go through struggles, and we all know someone who’s
struggling. It’s a fact of life no matter who you are or where you are. Being
around someone who’s in the middle of a battle can be just as emotionally
draining for you. You want to help them, but you have absolutely no idea what
to do, or maybe you fear you would just make it worse. It can also be so, so frustrating because you might see
what the other person is doing wrong, and if they would just adjust one little
thing, their situation would probably drasticallyimprove. Trust me, I’ve been
there, and it is so hard. More than once, I’ve just wanted to smack the personin an attempt to straighten them out. And people have probably wanted to do the
same thing to me.
hitting someone isn’t the best way to solve a problem (except with
brothers—often, hitting is the only
solution…). So, here are some of the things that I would try instead. These are
things that I have done, and also things that I wish had been done for me when I was in a pit.
hugs work wonders. Sometimes you really have no idea what to say, and other
times, the other person isn’t ready to hear what you have to say. Just being
there for them to hold them while they cry it out is probably one of the best
things you can do. Once, when one of my friends was going through a nasty
breakup, I really had absolutely no idea what to do. I had never really been in
the type of situation she was in. So, I didn’t say anything. I just hugged her,
and later she told me that it was absolutely the best thing I could have done.
Never underestimate the power of a hug.
there for them to hear them out. Honestly, a lot of the time, just talking out
a problem can be the best way to find a solution. When you’re listening to them,
DO NOT—UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES—try to fix their problems right away. Yes, they
probably need a solution, and they might have even come to you for advice. But
jumping right in with what you would do to solve a problem while they’re in the
middle of pouring their hearts out to you is not the best thing to do. When you
do propose some things to try, do it in a gentle and non-condescending way.
Yes, they might be messing a lot of things up, and they probably don’t see
that. Or, if they’re like me, they see a lot of the things they’re doing wrong,
and it frustrates them that they aren’t changing or that they keep making the
same mistake over and over. In any circumstance, telling them everything that
they’re doing wrong is going to look more like an attack. They’re going to put
up their defenses and then you’re going to get nowhere.
someone is in the middle of a full-blown breakdown or blow-up, especially one
that’s brought on by depression, do not try to reason with them. Just don’t.
You’re likely going to get mad and say things that you regret. If you sense
yourself getting out of control, remove yourself from the situation. Let it
drop. Or shut your mouth. Period. Once the other person has calmed down, you
can reason things out. But do not ever, ever try to talk with someone who’s
right in the thick of things.
Do not feel like you need to fix everything
for a hurting person. Yes, be there for them, but don’t get frustrated if your
hands feel tied and you feel like nothing you do is going to make things
better. Guess what, it’s not up to you to solve anyone’s problems.
don’t personalize anyone else’s problems. I have a really, really tough time
with this. If someone is taking their issues out on you, recognize that it’s
not your fault. Don’t feel like you
are the cause of anyone’s problems. Most importantly, don’t let anyone else
drag you down. There does come a point when you need to step back, so we don’t
have two messes to clean up.
the time comes that you do need to step back, there is still one thing you can
do. You can pray. Prayer is so powerful. Actually, prayer should be a first and
last resort. Because, even when you and the person who’s struggling are at a
loss, God never is.
your friend is in a very dangerous situation and could potentially hurt
themselves or others, you need to get them help immediately. Again, a hug and a
smile can help so much. Remind them of everything that’s awesome about them and how much they are worth to you. If you feel comfortable, pray for them and with
them. Finally, if the situation is almost out of control, take them to the emergency
room. There are doctors there that can help, and that truly is a safe place for
them to recuperate and avoid doing something they will regret.
Just out of curiosity, what kinds of things have people done for you when you were hurting that really helped you out?